Government measures have priority over these guidelines. Tennis is one of the sports in which social distancing can be maintained. It is possible that Tennis is one of the first sports to be allowed to return.
Before leaving home
- Only bring with you the necessary sport equipment, mask, 70% alcohol gel, towel, water bottle, paper towels, own tennis balls and be ready to go directly to enter the court. It is recommended to mark the towel on one side and to dry yourself with the marked side of the towel.
- Do not share equipment
- Ask the vulnerable population and those that have COVID19 symptoms to not enter the facility.
- Have alcohol gel available for visitors
- Use bathroom sinks and hand sanitizer and/or liquid soap
- Sanitize hand rails, door knobs, chairs, court equipment, etc at least 3 times a day
- Reserve courts by phone
- Publish a chart schedule with the use of courts and place it in a visible area
- Trash cans outside the courts
- At this phase of the pandemic, outdoor courts are suggested
- No access for public in common rooms / offices
ON Courts
- Avoid physical contact. Maintain physical distance recommended by the WHO.
- Take off mask once you have entered the court. Place it in a Ziploc bag which has been previously disinfected. Put the mask on with clean hands before leaving the court.
- 2 players. Each at opposite ends of the court. If there’s a coach, he/she should be in the middle of the court.
- Each player has their own tennis balls with a different number or using a marker. Each player only touches their own tennis balls.
- At the end of practice. Each player must sanitize their racquet and tennis bag with a disinfectant alcohol spray recommended by the WHO.
- Avoid touching your face while practicing.
- Leave facility immediately after practice is over.
- Tennis Academies
- Only the coach can touch the tennis balls using a basket or tennis ball can to pick them up. The player can help by moving the balls with the racquet. At the end of the day, sanitize the balls by spraying them with disinfectant. Do the same with the equipment.
- It is recommended to avoid using too many tennis balls and for each coach to mark their own tennis balls.
- Have different class schedules. Most students will be studying from home.
- Training equipment should only be touched by the coach.
- Separate coaches into groups so they always work with the same players.
- The coach should not share his/her equipment with another coach.
Returning home
- Disinfect shoes with bleach or alcohol
- Place tennis clothes in plastic bag for laundry
- Shower. Begin by showering with back toward the shower head and with your head tilted backwards in order to avoid the water falling on your face first.